Content Submission

Non-member and Reader level submissions:

Non-members may only submit free, public domain (i.e. not copyrighted) articles for publication in the Public area. Choosing a topic likely to be of interest to others gives it the best chance of being accepted for posting in the Public Area. Please do not submit anything a reasonable person might consider inappropriate, including obscene, offensive or insulting content. In fact, if you could submit something useful and uplifting that would be great!

Writer level submissions:

Writers may submit their own articles to the Public area for free viewing or the Freelance area for paid viewing, as well as the Feature area for download from the eDistr store.

The 4 types of content:

Public -- individual articles publicly available at no charge (from eDistr) may be up to 5,000 words in length. These articles are submitted by email to for review.

Freelance -- articles or regular columns (500 - 700 words) by an individual writer (who must be a member at the Writers level) for which the writer is paid (we're talking pennies, here) per unique member-view (a member may view the article multiple times for their one fee). Members may email these articles to for review and posting. The eDistr Editor reviews for appropriate content, language and grammar as well as assigning search keywords. Writer payment terms below apply.

Syndicated -- regular columns (500 - 700 words) submitted to a syndication organization (e.g. Globe Syndicate) for which the syndicator is paid a fee for each unique, paid member-view. The syndicate performs all reviewing and posting functions. Monthly fees are paid to the syndicate, which pays the writers according to their agreement. Payment terms below apply. Our syndicate of choice is Globe Syndicate.

Feature -- any submission of 2,000 or more words submitted by a Writer-level member for sale/download from the eDistr store. Pricing will be agreed upon by eDistr and the writer, except that the price may not be less than $2.00 nor more than $12.00 (USD). Visit the "Submissions" section of for detailed requirements. Writer fees are 50% of the price after deducting transaction costs (e.g. PayPal fees).

For accounting reasons any person or organization wishing to receive payment by eDistr must be a registered member at the Writer level. Writer fees are structured to encourage you to join a syndicate to avail yourself, and eDistr, of syndicate services and economies of scale.

Payment Terms:
Accounting is performed monthly. There is a 30-day delay in payment to allow for payment reversals, insufficient funds and such. Payment due of less than $5.00 will be carried forward and paid (without interest) when the amount reaches or exceeds the $5.00 minimum. At the member's option, payment may be made via check, PayPal or a credit at eDistr.

eDistr services:
   creation of a micro-payment market for writers
   payment accounting, processing and reporting
   article member-view accounting
   editing services (for freelance articles)
   electronic hosting, distribution and user support
   periodic promotions to drive reader traffic

All parties agree that interruption of service or loss of content for any reason are part of the risk of providing content over the internet; all parties agree to hold eDistr harmless should interruption or content loss occur for any reason. eDistr stands to lose more than any single content provider and will make every reasonable effort to prevent such interruption or loss, as well as minimize their impact and duration.

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